Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ecclesiastes 1 & 2 : Wasting Our Lives Away?

Today's reading was the first two chapters of Ecclesiastes. These aren't the most optimistic chapters in the Bible, but they are important.

Solomon tells us that our lives, apart from God, are a waste. They are like "chasing the wind." He shows that wisdom, possessions, and hard work alone do not bring satisfaction and joy. Instead, we must live our lives according to God's plan for us. If we seek God's will and act upon it in faith, then our lives will count. Nothing we earn, learn or make can be taken with us once we die. If we fulfill God's plan for us, however, we will have our rewards in Heaven.

It kind of reminds me of the Casting Crowns song "American Dream." I listened to this over and over again when I lived in D.C., because this is how a lot of people live up there.

This passage speaks well to me. I'm pretty sure a Ph.D. in Political Science is pretty worthless, but I'm still here. God brought me here for a reason. Now, I have to figure out what that reason is. I'm pretty sure that reason is NOT to do the same type of pointless research most professors do. I also need to learn to approach this time in my life with joy and be excited about the opportunity that God has given me. Someday, the reason I am here doing this will come to light.

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