Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What if . . .

Do you ever think about history and wonder "what if . . ."? I do. I'm a huge fan of history, and it is interesting to see how seemingly minuscule events changed the course of history. What would have happened if the South won the War of Northern Aggression (the Civil War for you Yankees)? What would have happened if Hitler had died while fighting in World War One? What would have happened if Kennedy hadn't have been shot? What would have happened if Steve Bartman hadn't attended Game 6 of the NLCS? What would have happened if I woke up 1 hour earlier today?

The answer to all these question is "I don't know". Today I read the first four chapters of Matthew. Very briefly, they cover Jesus' ancestry, his birth, flight to Egypt, return to Nazareth, his baptism, and his temptation by the Devil. While reading these four chapters it got me thinking "what if?"

What if Joseph had broken his engagement with Mary when he found out she was pregnant? What if Joseph didn't listen to the angels and didn't flee to Egypt or go to Nazareth? What if the wise men returned to Herod and gave away Jesus' position? What if John the Baptist had refused to baptize Jesus because he felt unworthy to do so?

Now, I have no doubt that God's plan would have worked out in the end regardless of what the above people did or did not do. What I find interesting is how these men each had a role in history. It got me thinking that each one of us has a role in God's story. When Joseph and/or the wise men sat around thinking about life, I can only imagine them being proud that they followed God's direction because it was an intricate part of keeping our savior safe.

We too have a role in this story. I hope one day when I am old, I can sit back and think "Wow. My role in God's story was to . . . and I did it for Him." My only problem now is to figure out what is that role. : (

So, what is your role in the story? How do you know?


  1. I too, have played the "what if" game with my life. I turned down an appointment to the Merchant Marine Academy back in the '80's because I wanted to be a pilot. I didn't end up a pilot, but I didn't follow what could have been a "good opportunity." I may never know what could-have-been. But it doesn't matter because my here-and-now it what matters. As far as my role, I say I'm too close to the source to be able to see the wider influence of my life on others. Some might have clear direction - like Johhny Landrum on the corner out there in Lubbock.

    Right now, I don't, so I keep on with what I'm doing, studying and reading, trying to grow closer to God, so that if/when I do get the clear direction, I'll be ready to answer "Here I am. Send me!"

  2. Michael: I am convinced that I am exactly where God wants me to be. I have had times of asking if I ought to be a pastor or did I miss something along the way and then he reaffirms it. i do have some "what if" times I look back on-some good and some not so. But then I remind myself that I am wasting my time. My role in this story is being the best man/husband/father/pastor/friend/ I can be for Him. As for you: I have been praying for you and Tabitha since the one post you asked us to pray for you all to see what God wants you to do. How are things going? Is the vision any clearer?
