Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yup, I'm At It Again. I'm Asking For More Prayer.

Again I am here asking for prayer. My wife and I are both ready to leave this area and our current jobs/lives/etc. I have begun applying for some jobs in Washington D.C. and should be hearing from them very soon. I have some connections that are working on getting my resume past the bureaucrats and into the hands of people who actually make hiring decisions, so that is a plus. I am extremely excited about the jobs and am able to put forth a very competitive resume.

My wife says she has a peace about the idea of us leaving. She has lost her desire to teach and is ready to do something else. When my wife says she "has a peace about . . . " that is usually a good thing. She always lets me know when we are doing something to upset her "peace". As for me, I have not been this excited about the future in quite some time.

I ask that you please pray that my resume finds its way into the hands of the right people for my future. My wife and I are working under some budgetary and time constraints, thus making things more difficult, but we are also looking forward to what God has in store for us.

Thanks to those of you who have been praying for us over the last several weeks/months. I appreciate you and your prayers.


  1. Hey Michael: I was just getting ready to write and ask you how you were doing and if you were still in need of prayer for you and Tabitha to know what to do. I have been praying for you every day since you asked several months ago. Keep us informed!!

  2. You can count on me! Prayers offered...

  3. Thanks guys!

    I knew Bill would be the first to offer his support. You're great at that.

    Because my wife and I want to keep our current jobs until we know whether or not I have something else lined up, we haven't told anyone anything. That includes our families (since my wife teaches with her mom). Needless to say, y'all's prayers are greatly appreciated.

    I can't express how much it means to have people praying for me that have absolutely no clue who I am.

  4. Michael, that prayer cover from "strangers" is a cool feeling. But you don't have "constraints" per se. You have opportunities for God to reveal His amazing purpose for you, since you have turned it over to Him!

    His timing is perfect!
